Spotting a genuine badge from the replicas, reproductions and copies is straight forward at the moment, once you know what to look for, although this is by no means a 100% guaranteed way of spotting a fake. Like all things collectable it's only a matter of time before the value of certain badges make them an interesting project to the unscrupulous.
On the right are two 1939 Skegness badges (fig 1 - 4) the top two are the genuine ones (seems obvious when seen together)
Things to look for are : A makers mark fig. 5 although not all have a makers mark. The pin on the modern badge is the safety type as fig 4 & 6. Enamel, check the badge is enamel and not got a clear resin coating as in fig. 9 & 10. Just to throw a spanner in the works a series of enamel replicas fig.7 were produced in the 90's these do have replica printed on the back and have the safety type pin fig.8
It has been brought to our attention, that on some auction sites, sellers are passing off Badges with the enamel removed as the more valuable Concession Badges. As soon as we have any pictures they will be uploaded.